Feminist Studies Group at the Graduate Center

Entries Tagged as 'FSG Events'

Letter Press Workshop 4/23 at the Center for Book Arts

March 31st, 2014 · Comments Off on Letter Press Workshop 4/23 at the Center for Book Arts


4/23 Letter Press Workshop at Center for Book Arts
Thank you for your interest! Registration for the Letter Press Workshop at the Center for Book Arts on April 23, at 6:30pm is full. If you would like to be added to the wait list, please email feministstudiesgroup@gmail.com with your name and contact info.
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Tags: FSG Events

Upcoming Event! Thursday 3/27 check out Akemi Nishida: Publish or Perish, a critique of the neoliberal academy

March 20th, 2014 · Comments Off on Upcoming Event! Thursday 3/27 check out Akemi Nishida: Publish or Perish, a critique of the neoliberal academy

Please join us next Thursday, 3/27, at 3:30p, as Akemi Nishida, PhD candidate in critical social/personality psychology, CUNY Graduate Center, offers the next talk in the “Critical Diversities” series, “Publish or Perish: A Critique of the Neoliberal Academy From Disabilities Studies.” The talk, in room 9205, will be followed by Q&A and discussion. Refreshments will be provided.

Nishida is also an adjunct lecturer in the disability studies program at CUNY’s School of Professional Studies and a member of both the CUNY Coalition for Students With Disabilities and the national Disability Justice Collective.

Sponsored by the Diversity Projects Development Fund, CUNY, and the Doctoral Students Council, CUNY Graduate Center. Co-sponsored by the Disability Studies Program, CUNY School of Professional Studies, and the Women of Color Network, CUNY Graduate Center.

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/595401633882160

Video of last week’s Eve Dunbar talk, “This (Black) Woman’s Work: Uncovering Professional Inequity in the Archives, Re-Affirming Our Work in the Academy”: http://youtu.be/Ty12tYis53I

Flyer attached. Please forward widely. Comrades from across NYC welcome.

For more info on this series, “Critical Diversities and/in the Academy: Thought and Practice,” please visit opencuny.org/criticaldiversities.

Tags: FSG Events · FSG News

Celebrate International Women’s Day with FSG March 10!

February 25th, 2014 · Comments Off on Celebrate International Women’s Day with FSG March 10!

FSG is pleased to announce a screen printing workshop at the Gowanus Print Lab Monday, March 10 from 7-10pm! RSVP is required–space is limited! FREE with RSVP–details and instructions for participants to come!



Tags: FSG Events

Weds, Oct 2: Feminist Research and Resources

September 24th, 2013 · Comments Off on Weds, Oct 2: Feminist Research and Resources

Please join FSG and GC Women’s Studies and LGBT Librarian Shawn Smith for a workshop on Feminist Research and Resources here at the GC. RSVPs are appreciated to feministstudiesgroup@gmail.com.

See you there!


Download the flyer –>Feminist Studies Group_Resources Workshop Fall 2013

Feminist Studies Group presents


Research Tools and Resources

feat. GC Librarian Shawn Smith

Women’s Studies & LGBT Studies Liaison

Wednesday, October 2, at 4pm

Room 5409

Food and Drinks will be served!

RSVPs appreciated to


Tags: FSG Events

Upcoming Workshop: Feminism and the Dissertation

April 18th, 2013 · Comments Off on Upcoming Workshop: Feminism and the Dissertation


Feminism and the Dissertation:

Works in Progress

  This place needs more feminists_Edie Fake_Edit

Interested in Feminist Theory?  Considering using it in your dissertation?

Come hear from current GC students incorporating feminist theory or methods in their dissertations!


Wednesday, May 1


Room 5409

Stephanie Campos and Livia Woods will discuss their dissertation projects. The presentations will be followed by a discussion of their experiences with the dissertation writing process, particularly the experience of working on projects that involve feminist topics and/or methods.


Stephanie Campos on gender, class, race and citizenship inequalities inside the Santa Monica women’s prison in Lima, Peru

Livia Woods on Representations of Pregnancy in the Victorian Novel

Food will be served!
**RSVP greatly appreciated: feministstudiesgroup@gmail.com **

Sponsored by the Feminist Studies Group and the Women’s Studies Certificate Program

Tags: FSG Events · FSG News

CFP for Feminist Theory and the Dissertation: Works in Progress

April 4th, 2013 · Comments Off on CFP for Feminist Theory and the Dissertation: Works in Progress

The Feminist Studies Group is putting together an exciting series of workshops for April and May, and if you are currently working on your dissertation, we are hoping you will be part of one of them!

One of the planned events will provide a forum for women’s studies students working on their dissertations (at any stage) to present their work in progress. We are looking for participants, who are part of the certificate program or whose dissertations take a feminist approach, to give a 15-20 minute presentation on some aspect of their research or work to date. The presentations will be followed by a question and answer period in which we hope the presenters will address questions about their process, including:

– Their general experience with writing a dissertation
– How does feminist theory inform their process?
– In what ways do they incorporate feminist theory into their home disciplines?
– Have they experienced any resistance to using feminist methods of inquiry in their dissertation?
We plan to schedule the event in late April or May, depending on the availability of participants.

If you are interested in presenting, please send your name, contact information, a brief description of your work, program, and a general idea of your availability to feministstudiesgroup@gmail.com by Friday, April 12.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Tags: FSG Events

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