Feminist Studies Group at the Graduate Center

Feminist Pedagogy Conference: Call for Papers **DEADLINE EXTENDED**

November 24th, 2014 by Meredith Benjamin · No Comments


Feminist Pedagogy Conference: Transformations

April 17, 2015

Hosted by the Feminist Studies Group and the Center for the Study of Women and Society



The Feminist Pedagogy Conference seeks participants for a day-long conference entitled “Feminist Pedagogy: Transformations.” The conference will be held on April 17, 2015 at the CUNY Graduate Center, in New York, NY.

The Feminist Pedagogy Conference is a venue for conversation between scholars and activists across the disciplines around the present state of feminist pedagogy and work on gender, both within and beyond the academy. Building on previous work, this is a forum to share pedagogical methods and ideas for teaching in women and gender studies and/or feminist approaches to learning and classroom strategies in various disciplines. Our aim is to address issues of gender and sexuality, in conjunction with race and class, both inside and outside of the academy.

We invite proposals related to the theory and practice of feminist pedagogy in a rapidly transforming university context. For example, proposals might address new forms of pedagogy given the increasing adjunctification of the university, the translation of radical redistributive demands into symbolic gestures of recognition and inclusion, and the increasing reliance upon and exploitation of the affective labor disproportionately performed by marginalized subjects.

We also seek proposals for feminist pedagogical practices that respond to and resist new and old forms of colonial, carceral, racist, or neoliberal feminist thought. How can feminist teachers respond effectively to practices and ideologies of mass incarceration, settler colonialism, homonationalism, pink washing/watching, and the neoliberal rhetoric of personal responsibility and choice that obscures the elimination of the welfare state?

We invite proposals on any of these, or the following topics:

The effect of adjunctification on the practice and theory of feminist pedagogy

Feminist pedagogies of writing, composition, and research methods

Teaching the politics of affective labor

Trans* men and women at gender segregated schools or other institutions

Trans*feminist action and pedagogy

Pedagogies of decentering whiteness, cisgender experiences, or heterosexuality

Anti-racist pedagogies in a “post-racial” age

Decolonizing feminist pedagogy

Teaching global feminisms

Feminist pedagogies for and of the precariat (students, teachers, administrators)

Feminist pedagogy in the era of standardized testing

Technologies of feminist pedagogy

Activism and service-oriented learning

Addressing campus rape culture in the classroom

“Leadership” and feminist pedagogy

Politics of “assessment”

Negative affect and feminist pedagogy

Politics of hope

Feminism in general education

Online/distance learning and feminist pedagogy

Strategies for the feminist classroom


Submissions for panels, roundtables, workshops, and creative and/or multimedia presentations are welcome. Those interested should submit abstracts (250-300) briefly describing their intended presentations. Please also specify what type of submission: paper (approx. 20 minutes), roundtable (larger group of 5-10 minute presentations followed by conversation), or creative. We welcome both individual submissions and pre-formed panels or roundtables. We are actively seeking contributions from historically marginalized or underrepresented groups. With your abstract, please include a brief biography.


Please submit abstracts to [email protected] no later than January 31, 2015.


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