Feminist Studies Group at the Graduate Center

Entries from October 2012

10/11 Meeting: Feminist Pedagogies

October 9th, 2012 · Comments Off on 10/11 Meeting: Feminist Pedagogies

Just a reminder that the first (non-organizational) meeting of the Feminist Studies group will take place this Thursday, October 11, from 3-4:30 pm in room 5409.

We’ll be discussing feminist pedagogies (whatever that might mean to you)–if you have favorite resources on the subject, please bring them with you, or post as a comment here! (We’re aiming to develop a helpful archive of these resources.) We’re also very much interested in your own practices, experiences, and questions. Again, if you can’t make the meeting, please share with us here–we want this to be a useful space as its so difficult to get everyone together in person.

Tags: FSG Meetings

Minutes from 9/27 Meeting

October 9th, 2012 · Comments Off on Minutes from 9/27 Meeting

Here is a short breakdown of our organizational meeting this afternoon:
Things we know for certain:
We will be having a monthly discussion on the 2nd Thursdays for the remainder of Fall term.
Our meetings will be held on :
10/11 @3
11/18 @3 and
12/13 @3
(room TBA)
The topic for our first meeting will be “Feminist Pedagogy.”
If you plan to attend, please bring with you some books, articles, or even just thoughts about Feminist Pedagogy.
Please email Gwen at [email protected] if you would like to be given permission to add to our FSG Blog on the GC Commons @ https://feministstudies.commons.gc.cuny.edu/  as we would love for people to post links and or PDFs of the material that they plan to bring to the discussion.
WE HAVE A TWITTER FEED!  Its FSG_GC  So follow us!

Things we are working on:
We WILL have a roving happy hour and potentially dinner parties which will will keep you all updated on as we arrange them.  Look for announcements!!!
In Fall 2013 we would like to hold a graduate student conference!
suggested topics include (but are not limited to):
Real World Feminisms
Local Feminisms
Gender Politics
Feminist Pedagogy
Environmental Violence
Please add suggestions on the comments section of the Commons blog so that we can discuss.
Also, please email me ([email protected]) if you are interested in being on the planning committee.

Tags: FSG News · Meeting Minutes

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