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Tags: FSG Events
Please join us next Thursday, 3/27, at 3:30p, as Akemi Nishida, PhD candidate in critical social/personality psychology, CUNY Graduate Center, offers the next talk in the “Critical Diversities” series, “Publish or Perish: A Critique of the Neoliberal Academy From Disabilities Studies.” The talk, in room 9205, will be followed by Q&A and discussion. Refreshments will be provided.
Nishida is also an adjunct lecturer in the disability studies program at CUNY’s School of Professional Studies and a member of both the CUNY Coalition for Students With Disabilities and the national Disability Justice Collective.
Sponsored by the Diversity Projects Development Fund, CUNY, and the Doctoral Students Council, CUNY Graduate Center. Co-sponsored by the Disability Studies Program, CUNY School of Professional Studies, and the Women of Color Network, CUNY Graduate Center.
Video of last week’s Eve Dunbar talk, “This (Black) Woman’s Work: Uncovering Professional Inequity in the Archives, Re-Affirming Our Work in the Academy”:
For more info on this series, “Critical Diversities and/in the Academy: Thought and Practice,” please visit
Tags: FSG Events · FSG News
Eve Dunbar, associate professor of English and Africana studies and acting dean of the college, Vassar,launches “Critical Diversities and/in the Academy: Thought and Practice,” a colloquium/speaker series this spring at the CUNY Graduate Center, on Thursday, 3/13. At 4p she’ll meet with students to discuss herwork as a scholar, teacher, and administrator, and at 5:30p she’ll present on her research at a public talk (title forthcoming). Both events will happen in room 8301. (Flyer attached.)“Critical Diversities and/in the Academy: Thought and Practice,” sponsored by the Diversity Projects Development Fund, University Advisory Council on Diversity, CUNY, and the Doctoral Students Council, CUNY Graduate Center, is directly inspired by various collectives at the Graduate Center and across CUNY working on issues of critical diversity, among them the Mentoring Future Faculty of Color project, the AdHoc Committee Against the Militarization of CUNY, the Revolutionary Students Coordinating Committee, and the organizers and supporters of “The War Here and Abroad: CUNY and U.S. Empire” panel discussion.The series also responds to the notable recent upswing in scholarly attention to issues of critical diversity in higher education, such as last fall’s Critical Ethnic Studies Association conference “Decolonizing FutureIntellectual Legacies and Activist Practices,” last summer’s Georgetown report “Separate and Unequal: How Higher Education Reinforces the Intergenerational Reproduction of White Racial Privilege,” and Sara Ahmed’s 2012 book ‘On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life.’ The guiding questions are two-fold: How can we meet the critical need for diversities in higher education, and how does this need impact the work we do as scholars and practitioners/activists?
Dunbar, author of the 2012 book ‘Black Regions of the Imagination: African American Writers Between the Nation and the World’ (Temple University Press), is Vassar’s associate dean of the faculty, currently serving as acting dean of the college. She is also the author of “Dispatches From Academia: Equity in the Archives” ( appearance is co-sponsored by the PhD program in English, the Africana Studies Group, and the Women of Color Network, CUNY Graduate Center.For more information on “Critical Diversities and/in the Academy: Thought and Practice,” includingdetails on the next three speakers, please visit questions, co-sponsorships, or to RSVP for the colloquium portion of the Dunbar event, please email [email protected].
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Due to a scheduling error, FSG’s
International Women’s Day Women’s History Month Screen Printing Event at Gowanus Print Lab has been moved to Monday, March 24. Event time and place are the same, 7-10pm.
T-Shirts will be provided. We are working on getting tote bags! The event is free with RSVP, so RSVP HERE!
As always, there will be food and drinks!! We hope you can make it!
If you would like more information, please email event coordinator, Gwen Shaw, at [email protected].
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